Monday, September 9, 2013

Brush Up On Your Cooking Skills With Free Printable Recipes

free printable recipes
Learn to Cook with Free Printable Recipes
Are you lacking the skills you need to make a great meal in the kitchen? You're not alone! Society is much more fast-paced today than it was 50 years ago. Actually, it's more fast-paced than it was just 20 years ago! Rarely do people have time to get in the kitchen and cook a meal, but it's an important skill to have, especially when you have a family. Cooking at home is not only healthier, but it's more budget-friendly, too. When you buy takeout or heat-and-serve foods at the grocery store, you're paying a high price for convenience. Why waste all that money when you can make delicious meals at home for a fraction of the price? Learning to cook isn't difficult, especially when you have a few basic recipes from to get you started. Among our free printable activities, you'll find recipes, chore charts, stationery and more to get you organized and prepared so you can enjoy your home life more.

Made from Scratch Free Printable Recipes
As mentioned above, part of learning how to cook is mastering a few basic dishes. We have compiled more than 20 recipes that can provide you with a good foundation of main dishes, side dishes and desserts. That means you'll be more than prepared to host a dinner at your home or even prepare a dish to take to a party or family gathering. No more last-minute stops at the store to pick up food before a potluck dinner! These free printable recipes are easy to print at home. They're already attractively designed, so they'll fit perfectly in your recipe binder or can be shrank during the printing process to fit into your recipe box. If you plan to put your recipes in a box, consider printing them on cardstock first to make them sturdier. If placed in a binder, a protective plastic sheet will keep spills, grease stains and fingerprints off your recipes while you cook.

Free Printable Recipes to Learn How to Make Comfort Foods
Is there any food more comforting than the potato? It may seem silly, but potatoes are a favorite for most people. There are french fries, home fries, baked potatoes, broiled potatoes, potato salad, mashed potatoes and much more! There's also everyone's favorite -- potato casserole! This savory, hearty dish is perfect for a family gathering like a reunion or a church function. It's a no muss, no fuss dish using potatoes, carrots, sausage, onions and basic items that you keep in your refrigerator or pantry like flour, butter, broth and parsley. In about 50 minutes, you'll have a scrumptious, hot dish that's perfect on its own or with a fresh salad or side of fruit. It works well as a breakfast dish or for lunch or dinner. If you live by yourself or just one other person, you'll have leftovers to enjoy the next day. It reheats well, but can be frozen if you prefer to wait a while before eating your leftovers so you don't tire of the food.

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